zkSend SDK

zkSend SDK


The zkSend SDK is experimental, and may change before a stable version is released. The features described in these docs are only available using the preview version of zkSend, at https://preview.zksend.com (opens in a new tab).

The zkSend SDK provides tools for interacting with the zkSend website (opens in a new tab). It allows dApps to integrate zkSend into their applications by providing a standard wallet interface. It also provides functionality to create your own zkSend Claim Links, with support for any publicly transferrable asset.


npm i @mysten/zksend

During the development of the zkSend SDK, you may want to install the experimental version.

npm i @mysten/zksend@experimental @mysten/sui.js@experimental
# If you use dapp-kit, you'll also need the experimental version:
npm i @mysten/dapp-kit@experimental